2021년 9월 18일
2021년 9월 18일

현지 밀착형 마이크로 풀필먼트 센터

What are Micro Fulfillment Centers? How do MFCs blend manual and automated solutions? Learn about the AutoStore "Hyperlocal" MFC solution here.

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When it comes to eCommerce fulfillment models available to grocers, what are best practices? Which models are the most cost-effective, and how can businesses navigate the ever-changing waters of new e-tail technology?

AutoStore™ took a deep-dive look into online fulfillment, and after exploring the complexities of in-store picking, we saw the importance of having a dedicated space for fulfilling orders. That brought us to the pros and cons of fast pick areas and dark stores. Now we'll explore the third leg of the “technology du jour” that offers its own unique solutions to grocers: micro-fulfillment centers, or MFCs.

MFC가 정확히 무엇일까요?

Like dark stores and fast pick areas, MFCs provide a dedicated space for grocers to store and process goods to be sold online. The term MFC generally implies a sophisticated automation system, employing a strategic combination of warehouse robotics and humans to fulfill each order. They’re called “micro” because they can be located in a separate location, or they can be installed in extra space within the store. Yet they are known for their impressive levels of productivity, speed, and accuracy, with some reportedly churning out as many as 4,000 orders per week.

Because they combine economy-of-size with cutting-edge automation, some say MFCs give grocers the best of both worlds: the proximity to customers of in-store picking, with the efficiency of large, automated facilities.

놀라운 성능을 발휘하는 MFC의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

1) MFC는 자동화 기술과 인력을 최적의 방식으로 조합하여 활용합니다.

In a well-run MFC, robots bring the inventory to order pickers in a fashion called "goods to person," using methods that are designed to optimize both storage space and the fulfillment process, such as cube storage, floor-based, and/or shuttle systems. The picker takes the product from the inventory tote, and puts it into the customer tote as directed by the system. Human staff verify that the final order is correct and problem-free (for example, fruit is unbruised and meat is packaged at the appropriate temperature) before sending the order out for pick-up or delivery. This integration of human and machine labor ensures maximum efficiency and accuracy.

2) MFC는 많은 공간을 필요로 하지 않습니다.

Some are housed in-store, in a back room, or a converted storage space. Others are located in a separate piece of real estate, either in a dark store or in a building bought for the purpose of fulfillment only. According to data reported in Grocery Dive, newly constructed MFCs tend to fall around the 10,000-sf mark and reportedly as low as 5,000 sf. (Contrast this to regional grocery chains’ warehouses, which tend to cover 600,000 sf or more.)

이렇게 적은 면적을 차지하는 MFC의 특징은 다음에 살펴볼 3번째 장점으로 이어집니다.

3) MFC는 현지 밀착형 솔루션입니다.

MFC는 주로 매장 내부에 있으며, 매장 내부에 있지 않더라도 여전히 가까운 위치에 있기 때문에 매장의 재고 및 SKU 시스템과 긴밀하게 연계가 가능하여 더 정확하게 관리할 수 있습니다. 이러한 장점 덕분에 인건비, 배송비, 부동산 비용도 절감할 수 있습니다.

4) MFC는 식료품 온라인 구매의 가장 시급한 문제 중 하나를 해결합니다.

That’s right – MFCs are a potential solution to the dreaded “last mile,” which has long been a headache for grocers. Because they’re hyperlocal, MFCs are closer to your customers’ homes than a large, centralized warehouse, which shortens turnaround times significantly.

MFC는 귀사의 식료품 비즈니스에서 공간, 비용, 기능성 간의 관계를 최적화할 수 있는 잠재력을 가지고 있습니다. 더 많은 식료품 업체가 MFC를 도입하고 있는 만큼, 성공적인 풀필먼트 모델을 구축하려면 유연성, 비용, 보관 밀도, 확장성, 안정성과 같은 주요 지표를 통해 효율성을 관리해야 합니다.

The rise of MFCs has been a favorite industry prediction for years now, and we’re starting to see those predictions come true. In recent months, grocery giants who had previously utilized massive, centralized warehouses (such as Ahold Delhaize, Woolworths, Albertsons, and Walmart) have begun investing in third-party technology to test out MFCs, finding that they provide a more cost-effective and efficient method of fulfillment.

더 자세한 정보를 원하시나요?

현지 전문가와 상담하세요.

더 자세한 정보를 원하시나요?

현지 전문가와 상담하세요.
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